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Meet The Team

Zach Gold

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Zach coined the phrase “cotton impingement” after years of researching how much he hates shirts. He now uses this “scientific breakthrough” as justification to never wear a shirt. Zach also eats more than a pregnant rhinoceros. He’s the one that will usually be programming your workouts. He’s an exercise nerd. And a comic book nerd. What I’m trying to say is: Zach’s a nerd.

Matt Biggs


Level 1 Trainer


CrossFit Weightlifting

CrossFit Endurance Trainer

Matt was formerly in the Marine unit here in town (Delta Company), went to a couple of semesters of school, and worked as a military contractor for a bit. He’s a redhead and likes to think “he’s bringing it back.” He’s not. Matt also usually updates the website and will probably be the one to respond to your e-mails. Matt is also afraid of the color puce.

Stacy Black

Level 1 Trainer


Physical therapist

Stacy is a full-fledged physical therapist and we’re lucky enough to have her teach our mobility classes. While not working on people and gettin’ them to move right, Stacy spends much of her time in hibernation. She has been known to sleep for up to 15 hours a day in celebration of what she likes to call “Wednesday.” Do not ever wake Stacy.

Owner/ Head Trainer

Level 2 Trainer

CrossFit Weightlifting

CrossFit Kids Trainer

Ma Strength Olympic Weightlifting Camp

Ayla Steadman

Level 1 Trainer

Behold Ayla “el gaucho verde” Steadman. Ayla spends much of her time loitering around picture framing stores and trying free food samples at CostCo. Although much of her time is consumed in those hobbies, Ayla’s true passion lies in competitive drinking tournaments. Despite Ayla officially weighing-in to featherweight divisions, she regularly competes in illegal, “no-drinks-barred” heavyweight grudge matches. As of this writing she has never lost.


Sibo Quinones

Level 2 Trainer

CrossFit Weightlifting Trainer

Sibo (or “Seebs”) is a soccer player, avid CrossFitter, and recovering koala bear mimic. Recently, she ran into trouble when she climbed a Eucalyptus tree, began eating the leaves, and ended up unconscious outside of a Wendy’s. Since this, she has entered koala rehab and is doing much better. She’s very nice – unless she’s tore up on Eucalyptus.

Jamie Benavidez

Level 2 Trainer

Jamie, a rather wild child, was abandoned in the woods by her exasperated parents. Found by wolves, she was welcomed into her pack until 6 months later when the exasperated pack abandoned her back with her parents. She now teaches tons of CrossFit including one of the bootcamps. Don’t be alarmed if she sniffs you inappropriately – she picked it up from the wolves.

Dana Ashcraft

Level 1 Trainer

CF Endurance Trainer

Dana is only recently returned to the United States after spending 6 years in Nepal working as a Sherpa-Sherpa (which is, of course, a person who carries a Sherpa’s bag up Everest while the Sherpa carries a rich person’s bag). Her career ended when she got caught in a snowstorm and got lost. Had it not been for the dedication and courageousness of her Sherpa-Sherpa-Sherpa, Dana might never have made it. These days she spends her time lifting and working with kids and sometimes powerlifts kids.

Maida Rubin

Level 2 Trainer

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Maida is well known throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa for her ruthless attitude towards small flightless pigeons. Adept at hiding in the most unexpected places, Maida will pop up around the gym but only if she wants to be found. Also, unbelievably, Maida has a passion for transportation data and logistics. Never ever call Maida a squab.

Ellen Black

Level 1 Trainer

Ellen is the product of secret government study that was designed to eradicate the emotion of sadness. She is the only surviving test subject. As such, she is chronically up beat and in good spirits with the only draw back being that now she never sleeps....ever. Because she doesn't need to sleep she works six and half jobs, raises a family, seven dogs, and still finds time to train. She also has to refuel with Vietnamese Pho at least 4 times a week or she actually becomes too jovial. She regularly teaches our 8:45am class so if you are looking for a good workout and want to be around literally the most positive vibes on planet that's the class for you!

Zane Gold

Level 1 Trainer

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Zane exclusively does CrossFit to stay physically fit for the leather-work he does on the side. He is trained in 3 international schools of leather craftsmanship including a rare Japanese style that loosely translates to "Grand Ultimate Stitch." He can make you anything you'd like including backpacks, purses, duffel bags, etc. You give him an idea and get a finished product a week later! He also does specialty items, as he outfitted the entire Lord of the Rings cast for all the movies in the trilogy. He didn't make their main costumes just their undergarments. 

Rebecca Stevenson

Level 1 Trainer


Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism Coach

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Rebecca Stevenson or...Rebecca as she goes by, comes to us from a league of female assassins. As such, she is registered as a weapon in the greater 48 of the US. After falling in love and having a child with one of her "marks", she now lives on the run from the league always looking over her shoulder. She says it's worth it for her family and seeks to repent for the sins of her past by teaching classes specifically for pregnant and postpartum women trying to "keep their sword sharp", as she puts it. I assume this means staying active but I've never made it past the guards to the class as they keep pointing out that I am both a man and not pregnant.

Gary Turcich

Level 1 Trainer

Gary could not be more excited about fitness or meeting you. As soon as you meet him you'll know exactly what I mean. He also recently purchased a house that needed a decent amount of work. I asked him why, and he told me that he wanted to test his fitness by renovating it completely using nothing but his bare hands. He then proceeded to push a nail into the wall using one finger and snapped a 2x4 over his knee with a cleaner cut than I've ever seen a saw make. This was 3 days ago and the house is now in perfect shape. His neighbors are still confused as to why they didn't here a sound.  

(505) 508-3138


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